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Give Your Home a Fresh Start to the New Year

Who doesn’t love new beginnings? A new year is the ultimate new beginning; a chance to start fresh, refocus, and start anew. I want to start the new year by focusing on my house, because let’s be honest, my house is a complete disaster after the wake of the holidays. Cleaning and organizing have been severely neglected while new toys have taken over every corner of the house, and I may or may not still have a Christmas tree waiting to return to the depths of the basement. So it may be LONG over due, but here are a few ways I plan to give my home a little refresh.

Layered pillows for the bed.

Declutter & Organize

I have the urge to purge everything at the moment. I want to go through every nook and cranny and ruthlessly edit items that aren’t useful. It can feel over whelming, especially when you have a whole house to dismantle. Take it one room at a time. Start small and work your way up. As you organize things in your house ask yourself, is this useful? If I came across this item in a store today, would I buy it? Does this bring me joy? If the answer is no, say goodbye! As for items you can say yes to, find it a happy home. One of my favorite storage solutions are these woven hyacinth wicker baskets. A beautiful way to hide some of your not-so-beautiful items. I can always find these guys at HomeGoods TJ Max or Marshall’s at a great price.

Green Plants

Now that the Christmas decor is put away and clutter is cleared, things may look a bit stark and bare. Fill your space with green plants! Not only do they have great benefits such as freshening stale, winter air but they add striking visual interest as well. The fiddle leaf fig, is highly popular. Its large and glossy, leathery leaves make a dramatic statement that fits the aesthetic of many interiors. If you require a somewhat fail-proof plant, I’ve been able to keep my pothos plant alive for years with minimal attention. I never grow tired of its gorgeous trailing vines. Succulents also require little care and are easy to maintain.

New Pillows

It seems like such a small thing, but new pillows can add great comfort to your home. Sleeping on a brand new pillow, one that’s not squished flat like a pancake, gives me the best sleep of my life! Seriously, is there anything better than sinking your head into a cloud-like, brand new pillow? That’s how we should be starting each day of the new year, with a restful night of quality sleep. Feel free to throw in a few new decorative pillows too, an easy way to instantly update your space without giving the whole room a makeover.

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