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30 Day Minimalist Challenge

Minimalist Challenge

For the longest time I thought I needed to be more organized, I'm now realizing the answer may be, I need less stuff. Lately, I've been drawn to the minimalist lifestyle - intentionally editing my life in order to focus more energy on my priorities. Sounds phenomenal, right?

Minimalism often means editing down the 'stuff' you have in your life so you're left with physical possessions that are either: useful or bring you joy. I think Nate Berkus said it best:

"Be a ruthless editor of what

you allow into your home."

Physical stuff often distracts us from things we'd rather be focused on: such as picking up toys vs. spending time with our family - sound familiar, anyone?

I've found myself watching videos and reading through everything Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, also known as “The Minimalists”, have to say on the subject. They have phenomenal insights on minimalist philosophies as well as helpful tips to put into practice. They also understand everyone's journey to minimalism is different. What works for a single bachelor probably won't fly in a family of six, but a minimalist lifestyle is possible for everyone.

I'm taking on one of their challenges and trying out the 30 Day Minimalism Game. The idea is to find a friend to play with you. On the first day of the month, each of you is to get rid of one thing in your home. On the second day, two things. On the third day, three things, and so on, the goal being to reach day 30.

If you're looking for some more inspiration, here are 8 Ted Talks on Minimalism to inspire you. Enjoy!

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